Casey Veterinary Services

  • Racing
  • Show Jumping

  • Dressage

  • Polo

  • Fox Hunting

  • Combined Training

  • Stallions

  • Mares

  • Foals​

The philosophy of our practice is to "find the cause of your horse's problem and fix it and then the presenting symptom will go away". This may require Western medicine and diagnostics, Acupuncture, Herbal therapy, Osteopathic Adjustments, Tu Nai, or a combination of all of the above. 

Dr. Casey's clinic differs from others in it's methodology to treat the total horse, not just "the foot" or "the hock" searching for the cause of the issue rather than merely treating the symptoms for short term results. Many of the primary symptoms present in your horse are indicative of a more deeply rooted problem rather than the actual problem in itself. . Dr. Casey always evaluates the entire horse ensuring that he is not missing the cause of the lameness or other issue, rather than repeatedly treating and temporarily relieving the issues at hand. The goal of our examination and therapy is "not to see that your horse is lame in the left front fetlock" but "Why is he lame in the left front fetlock".  We are searching for the "Mother Mushroom" that is the cause of his presenting symptom.

We want to help you and your horse achieve the performance endeavors you aspire to. 

Our Mission